The investors

We are looking for investors from the regions of Girona and Osona (onward “Girona”). We are looking for private capital, either from natural persons, entrepreneurs or not, or from companies, who have significant surplus capital and want to invest it in a company in Girona that is attractive to them (for synergy or for diversification) and at the same time has positive yield potential.

We are looking for responsible investors, who like the idea of ​​contributing with their capital to a positive impact on the territory and on the people of the Girona counties.

We know that investors seek and want security and profitability and with this in mind we look for opportunities and analyze them before presenting them. We ask investors that to analyze the opportunities we present to them too and we make it clear that once the investments are made they are at their own risk and fortune, being unable to guarantee safety or profitability. Therefore, investors must be people who understand what it is to invest in a business and know what a business is and the risk involved in business investment.

We look for stable investments, possibly permanent, trying to avoid pre-scheduled entries and exits; looking for investors who at the same time have the soul of entrepreneurs and understand what a company is and assume the business risk. However, in specific cases where, once tried, no stable investments can be found, we are open to exploring other forms of temporary investment of scheduled entry and exit or participatory loans or other possible instruments.

We know this investor profile, we have contact with him and, many times a friendship. He is the type of investor with whom we like to work and with whom there is a trust and prior knowledge, which greatly facilitates the process and the good understanding. With this investor profile we speak the same language and understand each other well. At GI X GI we want to get on well with the Girona investors, because they are the essence and the most necessary element for our Project to be successful and we believe in them and count on them.

At GI X GI we value very much this profile of entrepreneur and investor from Girona who not only does things thinking of making money, but also takes into account his territory, his employees and their families, their suppliers, their country and the positive impact they leave on society in every sense. They are entrepreneurs and investors with firm values ​​and principles, convictions and good will. Despite the fact that it is not said enough, despite the fact that it is not known enough, despite the fact that it is not recognized or encouraged enough, this profile of Girona fortunately, exists, and it is with them that we want to have dealings and we want help and we want to contribute to building a better world for the people of the territory. From GI X GI we want to work so that this profile of Girona does not end up being a kind of endangered species, but is generalized, claimed, valued and promoted by everyone, institutions, entities and individuals, because we are convinced that this profile of people are a very important added value for the future of our territory and our people (all the people who live in the regions of Girona, without any kind of discrimination, for any reason).